Date and time is considered as a numerical value in Excel. For all reporting, calculation of interest/depreciation/taxes/penalty etc we need to calculate the period between two dates. Understanding date and time conceptually will be very helpful for automating our reports. Let's learn it with practical business cases.
👉 Why Date/Time formulas are important to learn
👉 Let's understand Date/Time Concept - Different formats
👉 How to calculate Net Working Days
👉 How to take in to account Holidays while calculating Net Working Days
👉 How to take in to account alternate Saturdays Off
👉 Customized Holiday List based on Location/Country
👉 Find Due date ignoring holidays and weekends
👉 Calculate WeekDay/Week number from any date
👉 Find GST Due Date based on any invoice date and calculate delay in deposit
👉 How to handle different date formats error on the data extracted from Tally/ERP/Internet
👉 How to Extract only Date or Time from a cell which contains both date and Time
👉 What is Military Time format and AM/PM concepts
👉 How to calculate difference between hours when start time and End time is not in the
same calender date
👉 Lot of interesting Case Studies on Date/Time Formulas:
👉 Q&A