Bank Cash Credit Interest Calculator 

Price - INR 1,999 /- Only

Let the transformation begin!

Every business needs to have some CC or overdraft limit from banks. All quarter banks charge interest, about which we are unaware whether they are correctly charged or not. By using this  utility you can calculator the interest yourself and reconcile it with the bank's data. Multiple copies and reports can be created, and be used on several systems.  

All you need to do is enter you CC limit, Interest Rate, and the transactions during the period. A video tutorial is also provided that will guide you on how you can use the template effectively and efficiently.

Video Tutorial
  • Video Tutorial
Working Files - (Download)
  • Working Files - (Download)

Excel Utility 

User Friendly 

Video Guide

Multiple Reports

Step 1: Signup

Click on 'Buy Now' button and do signup first.

Step 2: Payment 

After signing up go for payment method.

Step 3: Done

After payment  Bank Cash Credit Interest Calculator Utility will automatically display on your dashboard.